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Spray Foam - ISO - Part A

SKU: SF-4700-ISO

4700 HFO is a two component, 3lb density, one to one by volume spray foam designed for roofing systems. 4700 HFO is
intentionally formulated without harmful HFCs, leading to an exceptionally low Global Warming Potential (GWP.) This system
creates continuous insulation without any thermal breaks, ensuring exceptional resistance to wind uplift. It also boasts self-flashing
properties, guaranteeing a watertight and durable roofing system.


Prior to engaging with this product, it is imperative to thoroughly review and acquaint yourself with the provided information,
including the Safety Data Sheet (SDS), outlining the associated risks, appropriate usage guidelines, and safe handling procedures.
All contractors and applicators are required to utilize suitable Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as respiratory, skin, and eye
protection, when dealing with and processing spray foam systems.


Applicators must prioritize the safety of the jobsite and construction personnel. Since SPF Insulation is combustible, it is essential to
display appropriate signs cautioning against any hot work such as welding, soldering, or torch cutting, until a thermal barrier or an
approved equivalent is installed over exposed polyurethane foam. Applicators should also take precautions against overspray,
which can travel considerable distances in the wind. Intake vents should be covered, and warning signs should be used at ground
level. Just as with all SPF systems, improper application techniques should be avoided. Examples of improper techniques include
excessive thickness of SPF, off-ratio material usage, and spraying into or under rising SPF. Potential consequences of improperly
installed SPF include dangerously high reaction temperatures that may lead to fire and offensive odors that may or may not
dissipate. In the event of improperly installed SPF, it must be promptly removed and replaced with properly installed materials.